Friday, May 20, 2011

Jenny and the wild Boar Pig

Jenny and the Wild Boar

The old man had been making claims for years about a large pig, perhaps many, who had been making foraging attacks on his farm land that bordered on the swamp country.
Not many people believed old Joe after listening to a lifetime of tall stories told at every opportunity and to anyone who would listen. Still he persisted with his larger than usual pig stories.

“I tell yh!” he would insist, “Them pigs is huge, one big boar must be seven or eight hundred pounds. Huge he is, caught him trying to get at my sows the other day and scared him off with my shotgun.
Jenny had herd these stories for most of her life and like the other folk in town had paid old Joe little attention. As a youngster she had used the fringes of the swamp as a playground and now, almost twenty, she often camped by the swamp for days on end to paint and photograph the abundant wildlife. Sure,she had seen the disturbed ground made by pigs rooting for food but apart from brief glimpses of a few pigs she had seen nothing extraordinary.

Something disturbed Jenny as she struggled with her pallet of colors trying to capturing the variegated light that filtered through the paperbark trees that fringed the swamp. She stopped painting and looked into the fading light of the swamp. Yes, there it was again a low grunt and a snap of a small twig. Something was out there, an animal, a large animal moving carefully. Jenny listened intently for a good ten minutes but heard no more sounds. She returned to focus on her painting but the light had gone and she decided to call it a day. As she covered her easil and removed her painting to the small tent to protect it from the night dew Jenny remained wary of the sounds of the swamp. As she herd nothing more Jenny decided to wash in the small creek before preparing a meal.

About twenty yards into the thick undergrowth two small slits of red eyes peered out from a black face of a wild Boar. The beast watched the girl as she removed her blouse and jeans and washed briskly in the cool water of the creek. As was Jennies habit she slipped on a painting smock that she used for sleeping atire and returned to the tent to prepare her evening meal. The beast remained motionless but vigilant.

The meal finished Jenny moved several yards from the tent to relieve herself. The beady eyes remained fixed on the girl as she peed. The beast tasted the air with its nostrils and lifted his head slightly and sniffed.

Finished Jenny returned to her tent. It was now dark enough to turn on the gas light and read. The buzz of the night insects attracted by the light masked the sound of the pig approaching. Surprisingly stealthy for a beast of its size the pig reached the spot where Jenny and relieved herself and sniffed deeply. So deeply that Jenny looked up briefly at the unusual noise but decided that it was just a night bird or bat and settled back to reading.

The big pig was now certain that he had found what he sought, a female in season. Yes this was a strange beast but he had seen her pale pink skin just like the farmers pigs. Since he had lost his females to the younger more agile Boar's he had been on the look-out for a new mate. The farmer had chased him off but he would return for those young sows, for now this strange female was near and in season.

Today had been a long one for Jenny, an early rise followed by a ten mile hike, just to get here, and she was tired. An early start in the morning would enable here to photograph the birds as they departed on their long day of foraging. She decided to turn-in. Because the light attracted insects jenny had placed it on a stand under the flap outside the tent and needed to leave the tent to turn it off.

The big Boar had seen the shape inside the tent move and backed off a little. Then his sharp eyes saw the girl emerge from the tent. Her scent floated toward him, he grunted with anticipation.
Jenny stopped her hand inches from the light nob. She peared into the darkness seeking a glimpse of the source of the sound. This time it had defiantly sounded like a pig and it was close. Jenny knew that wild pigs could be dangerous but they were also secretive and didn't venture too close to humans. What was this one doing so close? As her eyes became accustomed to the dark Jenny saw the massive bulk of a huge pig only yards from her and it was edging closer, its snout sniffing the air.

Jenny froze as the huge pig came into the glow of the light. Now only five yards away the girl could smell the rank ferrell smell of the pig. She reached back toward the tent but even as she did she new it offered no protection at all. It would be best if she just stood still, she taught.

The Boar eyed Jenny up and down slowly as he edged even closer sniffing loudly as he came. By now he was certain that this was a female in heat. What he couldn't understand was why this feemale was standing on two legs. As the huge beast moved to within touching distance Jenny moved away and the he followed.

Jenny had heard that when wild pigs are frightened or cornered that they might charge but this one showed no sign of charging her. The pigs nose was now only inches from her bare leg and Jenny felt the warm nasil spray as it snorted. She edged away a little and the pig followed. The boars snout touched her leg, Jenny jumped away and as she did she caught the corner rope of the tent and went sprawling to the ground
As Jenny had fallen the painting coat had lifted exposing her soft pink ass. The boar was quick to close the gap and assure himself of this strange animals gender. At first the wild boar just stood and looked at the stunned girl its head cocked slightly to the side. It appeared as if he was thinking. The boar lowered its head to the trembling girls rump grunting and sniffing furiously. Finally he found the source of the smell he sought.

Petrified Jenny made a feeble attempted to rise but was nudged by the the boar knocking her back onto all fours. The boar towered above Jenny as it quickly nudged and sniffed the girls underbelly neck and face grunting and squealing as he explored. Then the boar wheeled so that his head was behind Jenny as again began to sniff her vagina

Jenny turned her head into the boars mid section in attempt to see what was happening. She pushed hard against the beast in a futile attempt to move him away, but he held his ground. Then the boar moved again and she was confronted with the boars large swollen testicle sack as big as a football. As the boar wheeled away from the stricken girl she thought that she was being left alone and began to rise. Then an huge weight landed on her hips and back forcing her legs to buckle and spread.

The boars front trotters scraped along her ribs as he drew himself onto the tiny body under him. Fortunately for Jenny the action, her painting smock that she had  on was ridden up her body as she fell, back to partially protect her skin.
After a few initial hops the boar stopped moving and Jenny felt something wet and thin wriggling across her ass cheeks and pubic area. It was then that Jenny realised that this monstrous animal was tying to rape her.

The beasts lowered its head down into the crook of Jenny's neck. This shifted most of the animals weight, that wasn't supported by his hind legs, onto Jenny. For a second or two she fought to carry the burden but it was too much for her to carry and she slumped forward. The Boars legs were now on the ground, just behind Jenny's arms and the beasts weight no longer pinned her to the spot. For a brief moment she considered escape was possible. In commando style she edged forward.

Instantly the boar hopped forward to remain in contact with the girl. At the same time his front legs clamped hard against Jenny's ribs drawing her back toward his searching penis. The boar made angry grunts as he nipped at Jenny's neck. Fortunately the boars head and Jenny's hair were covering the same shoulder saving her from a serious bite.

Hot bursts of breath accompanied each snuffling grunt as the beast continued to probe erratically. Jenny resigned to her fate had stopped struggling fearing a more serious bite from the boars fetid teeth. Several times the boars member slid across the now trembling girls folds and each contact drew a shudder of dread from her. To her own dismay she felt herself becoming wet as the erotic touch of the slippery member moved like a tantalising finger of a lover across her body.

irrated the boar humped at the tiny body beneath him drawing sharp grunts from Jenny as the bulky beast forced air from her lungs. Now the slippery shaft was near its goal sliding along the grove between the girls ass cheeks spilling fluid as it did. Then as the pencil thin member retracted back along the ass grove the boar felt the warmth of the females vagina. This was an experienced stud and the wet warmth of a mates vagina was a familiar feel even if this female was different to other mates he had ridden. The boar paused and probed forward, exploring seeking. Jenny gasped sharply as the mobile end of The curling tip of the boars penis entered the wet, warm cave of the her sex.

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